Among the many challenges we face as parents including, sleepless nights, temper tantrums and potty training right up there on the list is trying to get your home ready for a showing while you still have little ones!
I mean as soon as you turn your back on a tidy room they are guaranteed to have it covered in there cute little fingerprints, spill their milk and leave a trail of cheerios!
If you are one of the crazy ones; I mean one of the families who have decided to move while your children are still young here are a few tips to help make life easier at what can already be a bit of a stressful time.
1.Clean the house before you go to bed. I know its the last thing you want to do once baby and kids are asleep because if there is such a thing as “mommy time” that’s when you get it. However, if you take the uninterrupted time to clean before bed, it will still be clean when you wake up. This will allow you to stay on top of things in the morning while you drink your much needed coffee!
2. Make a list! Lack of sleep and mommy brain require us to write it down! When you only have an hour or two to prepare for a showing, every minute counts. Make a list of things to do before a showing to ensure you don’t forget anything. Pinterest and google are excellent resources to help create and prioritize your to do list!
3. Hide it! Anywhere, literally anywhere! Don't be afraid to shove anything (kids toys, the half-eaten cake on the plate with a fork in it, dirty dishes) and everything into your dishwasher, microwave or oven! Just try to remember to take it out before you come home and preheat the oven! eek! Another great tip is to load anything you see into an empty laundry basket, which you can put in your trunk and take with you. Whatever works best for you!
4. Paper or plastic? I know that its not environmentally friendly but using paper plates, cups and even utensils can save you lots of time on dishes. It’s hard enough to keep up with everything else that needs to be done without having the never ending pile of dishes to worry about. Take it one step further and in the warmer months have a picnic outside in the backyard, your kids will think your the coolest mom and as a bonus it will be less clean up because you wont’ have to sweep up!
5. You don’t need to cook dinner tonight... Isn’t that the 7 words you have been waiting to hear? Find easy meals to make ahead and freeze so all you need to do is simply reheat and serve, keeping mess and stress to a minimum! While we are on the topic of meal time you need to eat in one place in the house....and only one! I know that as things get busy its easy to let the little ones have a snack on the couch, or in the play room, or wherever else they decide to hide the goldfish crackers but if you keep snacks and meal time to just the table or kitchen island it will cut down drastically on the amount of time you need to vacuum or sweep up!